Pigeon spotting in Buhl Baden, Germany. Happy Sunday, all.
My animal and bird photos are all on my gallery
Pigeon spotting in Buhl Baden, Germany. Happy Sunday, all.
My animal and bird photos are all on my gallery
Rupert, our first Cornish Rex cat had a way of looking deep into your eyes, as if he could see into your soul. He’s been gone for over 4 years now but I still love him.
Have a great Caturday, everyone, whenever you see this!
My animal photos are all on this gallery.
A winter visit to Kejimkujik National Park in Nova Scotia always brings photographic rewards as the wildlife is much calmer and more focussed on finding food than worrying about me and my camera. This deer was curious, though, as we were quietly and patiently waiting for the right moment. She features on my ‘Animals’ gallery.