These cold and bleak fall days our wild and honey bees are nowhere to be seen, so it’s lovely to look back on the halcyon summer days when this scene was so common. Who would have thought milkweed flowers were so lovely? Have a lovely day, friends.
This was taken with my 180mm macro lens.
This orchid was photographed using focus stacking technique – 40 macro shots stacked to create a depth of field that is impossible to achieve any other way.
For those interested in the technical information, I used the 180mm Canon macro lens with the camera attached to a Stack Shot focusing rail and using Zerene Stacker to combine all the file information into one finely detailed shot.
Project 52 B&W
Week 15: Flower(s)
#P52BW13 | +Project 52 B&W
Curated by +Tisha Craw & +Susan Porter
#focusstacking #focusstack #macro #zerenestacker #zerene
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